• Is this class for beginners as well?

    No. This is targeted to moderate to expert artists.

  • What are the prerequisites to participate?

    Proficiency in ZBrush is a must. Proficiency in Maya is strongly recommended. You will also need to understand English, have available time and a working microphone connected to your computer if you want to interact with me (live classes), because I will not have a chat window available. Speaking is way faster than reading/writing for both of us. It’s also more personal.

  • In what language this class will be?

    English, but I will take questions in both English and Portuguese.

  • How is this any different from your free of charge WIP posts on Instagram anyway?

    It’s MUCH more in-depth than that and you will be right there with me to ask any questions.

  • My timezone is not compatible with the class. Can I still do it?

    The sessions will be recorded, so in theory you could. But you will be missing an important component of the class, which is the one-on-one Q&As in the last hour of each session. It’s really up to you, but I would rather have in this class people who can make time to be with me in real-time.

  • How can I subscribe to the class?

    Please click “Enroll” on the top right menu and follow the instructions.

  • Will I become a better artist after taking this class?

    I like to believe so, but it’s really up to you, based on how much time you are willing to spend practicing, following along with the class and especially at your on time.

  • Will you be making models, brushes, alphas or materials available to us?

    I will provide a basic head basemesh, the ZBrush material I will be using, Arnold/Maya clay shaders and a studio lighting setup, but no brushes or alphas. You will have about 18 hours of open mic to ask me how I created them and I will do my best to explain the process to you. I am a firm believer in the “teach how to fish” philosophy, instead of simply giving away the fish, as you will be missing a colossal opportunity of learning with the process, which is invaluable in my opinion and more important than the final result most of the time.